Best anime gay hentai

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Because of their twisted desire for each other, Iason and Riki change from people that fit very well within the system to a couple that couldn't be allowed in their world. Once Isaon allows Riki temporary freedom, Riki realizes that he loves sex with Iason and no longer wants it with any other man. But good old Stockholm Syndrome saves this couple when Iason begins going against society and threatening his cushy life for being unwilling to part with Riki. Iason doesn't just have sex with Riki, he makes him wear fetish clothing and forces Riki to masturbate in front of him. Iason and Riki have a forced master-slave relationship that is intensely kinky. Miserable and prideful Riki can't stand to have his freedom compromised but knows he lacks the power to keep others safe from the Blondie's wrath. Blondies use Mongrels to entertain their voyeuristic and sadistic sides but Iason seems more familiar with his pet than is considered normal. One such Mongrel named Riki is forced to become a pet for a Blondie named Iason. In a society with a strong caste system dependent on hair color, Blondies with their fair hair are the elite of society, and Mongrels with their dark or black hair are barely considered human.

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